December 8, 2016

Las Palmas, Canary Islands. November, 2013

Not very PC some of these product names. But perhaps an obliquely appropriate photo for today, the feast of the Immaculate Conception.


  1. "Have You A Little Fairy In Your House?" was one of the campiest advertising slogans of the past century. Fairy is still a big seller in Europe. I always have a little Fairy under my kitchen sink. And if I don't have my hands up to my elbows in Fairy Liquid, then perhaps the witchy help of "3 Brujas" ... Three Witches.

  2. Sandy,
    Peter M. here. Went to Greg's in Watertown last night. you were right. great gravy. and the place... right out of central casting. have you seen the xmas decorations in the back room? OMG!
